Sabīne Šnē


Sabīne Šnē (LV)
We Belong to Them
Mixed-media installation. Six prints of digital drawings (honeycomb, 29.7 x 42 cm), five 3D printed objects (PLA plastic, various sizes), 2024

Trees are one of the shapers of our world, making diverse landscapes possible. With their deeply rooted collective generosity, they not only take care of one another but also create weather, build the atmosphere, heal, and shelter more creatures than people can count. 
The work focuses on six interconnected scenarios caused by the global climate crisis that impact trees: soil pollution, air pollution, rising temperatures and drought, loss of biodiversity, pest and disease proliferation, and shifts in growing seasons. 
3D scans of trees taken in rural areas in the western part of Latvia are combined with speculative environments created using worldbuilding methods. The texts were written while wandering through forests, thinking on how to translate more-than-human voices for humans and contemplating the fact that without healthy forests, there is no future for us.

Sabīne Šnē explores the intersections between culture and nature, with a particular interest in the relationships between humans and more-than-human beings. By weaving together scientific research, contemporary theories, and fiction, she creates worlds that highlight entanglements in ecosystems and multi-species intelligence. Šnē holds an MFA from the Art Academy of Latvia, has exhibited internationally with works shown in exhibition spaces across Europe and the UK, and has participated in artist residencies in Latvia and London.

Fragment of the work, screenshot, 2024. Courtesy of the artist.

Sabīne Šnē (LV)
Mēs piederam viņiem


Koki ir vieni no mūsu pasaules veidotājiem, kuri padara dažādas ainavas iespējamas. Ar sev piemītošo dziļi iesakņojušos kolektīvo dāsnumu tie ne tikai rūpējas viens par otru, bet arī veido laika apstākļus un atmosfēru, dziedē un sniedz patvērumu vairāk radībām kā cilvēki var saskaitīt.
Darbs koncentrējas uz sešiem savstarpēji saistītiem scenārijiem, ko izraisa globālā klimata krīze un kas ietekmē kokus: augsnes piesārņojums, gaisa piesārņojums, temperatūras paaugstināšanās un sausums, bioloģiskās daudzveidības zudums, kaitēkļu un slimību izplatīšanās un izmaiņas augšanas sezonās.
Koku 3D skenējumi, kas tika veikti lauku apvidū Latvijas rietumu daļā, ir apvienoti ar spekulatīvām vidēm, kas veidotas, izmantojot pasaules būvēšanas metodes. Teksti tika rakstīti, klīstot pa mežiem un apsverot, kā iztulkot dažādu būtņu un organismu balsis cilvēkam, kā arī apcerot faktu, ka bez veseliem mežiem cilvēkam nav nākotnes.

Fragment of the work, screenshot, 2024. Courtesy of the artist.

