Studio Above&Below (DE/UK) in collaboration with Yau Fan
Meditative Cohabitation
Custom audio sensor, audio classification machine learning model, touchdesigner, unreal engine, 2023
Meditative Cohabitation is an audio-visual experience investigating multi-species communication in future cities through the means of advanced technologies. Grounded in bio acoustics recordings and 3D scans of the biotop of Marais Wiels which is located in the heart of the urban landscape of Brussels, the immersive installation invites the audience to meditate between multispecies sounds and a responsive multiscreen landscape.
The project aims to engage with interspecies realities through Games Engines and AI technologies to declare the need of interspecies acknowledgement within our design process and datasets in order to build empathy and purpose for advanced technologies to serve more than human lifeforms.
Studio Above&Below is a London-based art and technology practice founded by Daria Jelonek (Germany) and Perry-James Sugden (UK) after they graduated from the Royal College of Art. Their work combines digital art, data, and XR to reveal unseen connections between humans, machines, and the environment.
Believing in research-based projects, Studio Above&Below frequently collaborates with scientists, technologists, and communities to push the boundaries of digital media for future living. Over the past few years, the duo has created groundbreaking and innovative artworks using immersive technologies and data to make the invisible visible and to give our environment a voice to express itself.
Their work has been exhibited internationally at institutions and festivals including the Royal Academy, Tate Modern, V&A London, Nottingham Contemporary, Photophore during the Venice Biennale, HeK Basel, MEET Milan, NRW Forum, UCCA Shanghai, Today Art Museum, WRO Biennale, WIRED Japan, and Sonar+D. Previous awards and funding include the Lumen Prize (shortlisted), Bloomberg Bursary, the Battersea Sculpture Prize, Factory Berlin x Sonar+D Artist in Residency, and the S+T+Arts x Nesta Italia City of the Future prize. Their work has been featured in publications such as the New York Times, MAXON, Arte, and It’s Nice That.
Studio Above&Below (DE/UK) sadarībā ar Jau Fanu
Meditatīva līdzpastāvēšana
Meditatīva līdzpastāvēšana ir audiovizuāla pieredze, kas pēta dažādu sugu komunikāciju nākotnes pilsētās, izmantojot progresīvas tehnoloģijas. Iedvesmojošā instalācija, kas balstīta uz bioakustikas ierakstiem un trīsdimensionāli ieskenēta Marais Wiels biotopa, kas atrodas Briseles pilsētvides centrā, aicina skatītājus meditatīvi pavadīt laiku starp daudzu sugu skaņām un reaģējošu daudzekrānu ainavu.
Projekta mērķis ir iesaistīties starpsugu realitātē, izmantojot spēļu dzinējus un mākslīgā intelekta tehnoloģijas, lai norādītu uz nepieciešamību pēc starpsugu atzīšanas dizaina procesos un datu kopās, vairojot empātiju un izvirzot mērķi, ka modernās tehnoloģijas var kalpot ne tikai cilvēku dzīvības formām.