Mónica Rikić (ES) in collaboration with Gema FB Martín (ES)
Handmade robotics installation, 2023

Hipèrbole is a mechanical and algorithmic experiment dedicated to design and develop an alternative cognitive machine, built from handcrafted electronics. This machine intentionally diverges from the predominant use of mainstream AI techniques, such as Machine Learning. Instead, it aspires to be recognized by the audience as cognitive, emphasizing its operational characteristics and code structure. In this installation, both the code and the machine are visible to the audience.The main goal of the proposal is to challenge the predominant role of spoken and written language in cognitive expression and human-machine communication. The primary artistic strategy for experimentation involves designing diverse mechanical personalities that allow the devices to communicate and assume roles, encouraging audience recognition as similar and different, but non-threatening. The ultimate goal is to evoke perceptions of existence and consciousness in these mechanical organisms.
Mónica Rikić is an electronic artist from Barcelona. She develops her practice through creative coding and electronics, combining them with non-digital objects to create interactive projects and robotic installations. Her interest focuses on critical thinking around alternative technologies and open hardware. Her projects have been awarded and exhibited in many national and international institutions and festivals for over ten years.
Gema FB Martín is a Social scientist and clinical psychologist specialized in Technology and in their consequences/sides effects on mental health.

Monika Rikiča (ES) sadarbībā ar Gema FB Martina (ES)
Hipèrbole ir mehānisks un algoritmisks eksperiments, kura mērķis ir izstrādāt un attīstīt alternatīvu kognitīvo mašīnu, kas veidota no ar rokām darinātas elektronikas. Šī mašīna ar nodomu ir veidota atšķirīgi no dominējošajām mākslīgā intelekta metodēm, piemēram, mašīnmācīšanās, un tiecas tikt atpazīta kā kognitīva, uzsverot tās darbības īpašības un koda struktūru. Instalācijas galvenais mērķis ir apstrīdēt mutvārdu un rakstveida valodas dominējošo lomu kognitīvajā izpausmē un cilvēka un mašīnas komunikācijā. Galvenā mākslinieciskā eksperimenta stratēģija ietver daudzveidīgu mehānisku personību izstrādi, kas ļauj ierīcēm komunicēt un uzņemties lomas, rosinot auditoriju atpazīt tās kā līdzīgas un atšķirīgas, bet neapdraudošas. Galīgais mērķis ir izraisīt šajos mehāniskajos organismos eksistences un apziņas uztveri.