October 23–25, 2024, Riga, Latvia
The 7th Open Fields Conference
in the framework of the RIXC Art Science Festival 2024
Neiburgs Hotel / Online
PHOTO ALBUM >>> Open Fields: Symbiotic Sense(s) Conference
REVIEW >>> Régine Debatty. Symbiotic Sense(s). Queer plants, polar bears and peatland. Review of the Open Fields: Symbiotic Sense(s) Conference on We Make Money Not Art. https://we-make-money-not-art.com/symbiotic-senses-queer-plants-polar-bears-and-peatland/
Keynotes and plenary speakers: Eric KLUITENBERG, Rosemary LEE, Jens HAUSER
Conference speakers: Jade APACK, Nima BAHREHMAND, Elizabeth BARRY, August BLACK, Yindi CHEN, Oksana CHEPELYK, Pohao CHI, Enrico DORIGATTI, Sabrina DURLING-JONES, Tuçe EREL, Jānis GARANČS, Mariella GREIL, Yoon Chung HAN, Mona HEDAYATI, Susanna HERTRICH, Carolyn KIRSCHNER, Lily DÍAZ-KOMMONEN, Agata KONARSKA, Jakub KOSECKI, Peter KOZEK, Tina KULT, Robert LISEK, Shanhuan MANTON, Jozef Eduard MASARIK, Me AndOther Me (Anna POMPERMAIER, Cenk GÜZELIS), Katherine MORIWAKI, Sebastian MÜHL, Sandris MŪRIŅŠ, Yi Qing NG, Terho OJELL-JÄRVENTAUSTA, Vygintas ORLOVAS, Miguel PAREDES MALDONADO, Chantal T PARIS, Anna PRIEDOLA, Mónica RIKIĆ, Arturo ROMERO CARNICERO, Yan SHAO, Oleksandr SIROUS, Lucie STRECKER, Sabīne ŠNĒ, Juhani TENHUNEN, Gisèle TRUDEL, Svitlana USYCHENKO, Agnes VARNAI, Līga VĒLIŅA, Martins VIZBULIS, Paula VĪTOLA, Nathan WILLIAMS, Liang XIAO, Anne YONCHA
Focusing on symbiotic senses as a key perspective, this year’s festival and conference explored its relation to extended cognition and collective intelligence ideas, calling for the urgent need for new visions, artistic and utopian projects in cultural evolution. The idea posits that symbiosis defines our existence, highlighting our complete interdependence on our environment and planetary system.
We welcomed proposals by interdisciplinary researchers, artists, artists-researchers, designers, Ph.D. students, curators, media theorists, art historians, science philosophers, cultural innovators, critical engineers as well as scientists from different fields related to the following topics:
* sensing machines and artificial life
* extended cognition and externally sensory systems
* symbiotic sciences and collective intelligence
* nature cultures and naturally-artificial environments
OPEN FIELDS 2024 Conference Chairs:
Rasa SMITE, Raitis SMITS (Latvia).
Produced by RIXC Centre for New Media Culture.
Contact: rixc@rixc.org