Sasha Litvintseva & Beny Wagner


Sasha Litvintseva (UK) & Beny Wagner (DE)
My Want of You Partakes of Me
Video, 54 min, 2023

Still from My Want of You Partakes of Me, courtesy of the artists.

My Want of You Partakes of Me interrogates digestion as the fundamental condition for being in the world, a process of physiological, psychological, spiritual, literary and political dimensions. Multiple storylines trace the poetics of incorporation as a matter of metamorphosis and decay, the philosophy of matter and imperial conquest, industrialisation and annihilation, poetry and parenting, love and citation.

Sasha Litvintseva and Beny Wagner are artists, filmmakers, and writers who have been working collaboratively since 2018. Their practice, which focuses on moving images as a tool for the active production of new worlds, is driven by questions about the thresholds between the body and its surroundings, knowledge regimes and power, and modes of organizing and perceiving the natural world. Their collaborative work has been presented globally, including at the Berlinale, Rotterdam, CPH:DOX, Courtisane, Open City Docs, EXiS Seoul film festivals, Tate Modern, CAC Vilnius, Los Angeles Filmforum, Museum of the Moving Image NY, Transmediale, Sonic Acts, Seoul Mediacity Biennale, Taiwan Video Art Exhibition, and the Baltic Triennial. Their work was also featured on the Criterion Channel. Their films have won numerous awards, including the Silvestre Award for Best Short Film at IndieLisboa and Best Short Documentary at the Guanajuato Film Festival.

Sasha Litvintseva & Beny Wagner. My Want of You Partakes of Me, 2023. Symbiotic Sense(s) exhibition, Riga, 2024. Photo: Lelde Gūtmane

Saša Litvinceva (UK) & Benijs Vāgners (DE)
Mana vēlme pēc tevis ir daļa no manis


Mana vēlme pēc tevis ir daļa no manis izjautā gremošanu kā pamatnosacījumu esības formai – fizioloģisku, psiholoģisku, garīgu, literāru un politisku dimensiju procesu. Daudzās sižetiskās līnijas izseko inkorporācijas kā metamorfozes un sabrukšanas poētikai, matērijas filozofijai un impēriskajai iekarošanai, industrializācijai un iznīcībai, dzejai un vecāku audzināšanai, mīlestībai un citātiem.

Sasha Litvintseva & Beny Wagner. My Want of You Partakes of Me, 2023. Symbiotic Sense(s) exhibition, Riga, 2024. Photos: Lelde Gūtmane

Still from My Want of You Partakes of Me, courtesy of the artists.
Still from My Want of You Partakes of Me, courtesy of the artists.

