Tatsuru Arai


Tatsuru Arai (DE/JP)
Face Of the Universe
A.I. paint/draw system and another generative system, 2023

Artist Tatsuru Arai is researching flowers in cities around the world and creating works that make full use of A.I. technology. In this project, he conducted a survey focusing on plant geopolitics, topography and ecosystems in the urban and rural areas of each city, and based on the differences and distribution of each region. The wild flowers that coexist in the urban area are part of the history of the ecosystem born from the nuclear fusion energy of the sun, and may be the “face of the universe”.
Tatsuru Arai’s main artistic theme is to present the fundamental physical nature of the universe in the form of perceptual experiences. His attempt is to realize the perception of music through a non-auditory sense by extracting and visualizing the geometric structure of music. Creating a way to experience a part of the nature of the universe through sound is his idea of the ultimate artistic work.

Tatsuru Arai
2003–2009: Bachelor’s and Diploma studies in composition with Akira Nishimura, Toshio Hosokawa, and Sunao Isaji at Tokyo College of Music.
2007: Composition class with Bernhard Lang at Impuls in Graz.
2009-2013: M.A. studies in Composition, Computer Programming, and Multimedia Art with Wolfgang Heiniger at the Academy of Music “Hanns Eisler” Berlin.
His opera Vitruvian was performed in Berlin and London, marking an innovative approach to contemporary opera by integrating classical music with new technology. His primary artistic theme is the fusion of classical compositions with new technology, a concept he calls “TRANS-AGES MUSIC.” His work seeks to present the fundamental physical nature of the universe through perceptual experiences, often described as the aesthetics of “geometric structure.” By exploring the human perception of sound – a physical phenomenon – he aims to reveal how these geometric structures help us understand the universe’s true nature, creating experiences that convey even a fragment of the universe’s essence through sound.
Since 2016, he has been composing Hyper Serial Music, which introduces innovations to the principles of Serialism by emphasising three key aspects: “structural,” “complex,” and “noisy.” Hyper-Serial Music is algorithmic music generated by state-of-the-art technology, including Artificial Intelligence, rather than solely by human intellect. He has performed this work in over 60 cities.

Kunsthalle in Kosice, Kosice,16.–20.10.2023. ART & tech Days in CIKE(Creative Industry Kosice) in Slovakia. EMAP (European Media Art Platform) residency program 2023.

Tacuru Arai (DE/JP)
Visuma seja


Tacuru Arai pēta ziedus pilsētās visā pasaulē un rada darbus, kuros pilnvērtīgi izmantotas mākslīgā intelekta tehnoloģijas. Projektā Visuma seja, mākslinieks veic pētījumu, koncentrējoties uz augu ģeopolitiku, topogrāfiju un ekosistēmām katras pilsētas urbānajos un lauku apvidos, kā arī pamatojoties uz to atšķirībām un izplatību katrā reģionā. Savvaļas puķes, kas līdzpastāv pilsētu teritorijā, ir daļa no ekosistēmas vēstures, kas radusies no saules kodolsintēzes enerģijas, un, iespējams, uzskatāmas par Visuma seju.
Tacuru Arai māksliniecisko darbu centrā ir Visuma fizikālo pamatu attēlojums, kas izpaužas unikālās un neaizmirstamās uztveres pieredzēs. Viņa mērķis ir radīt mūziku, kas sniedzas tālāk par vienkāršu klausīšanos, ļaujot tai kļūt uztveramai arī vizuāli, izceļot tās ģeometrisko struktūru. Radīt iespēju caur skaņu izjust daļu no Visuma dabas, ir viņa izpratne par augstāko mākslas darbu.

Kunsthalle in Kosice, Kosice,16.–20.10.2023. ART & tech Days in CIKE(Creative Industry Kosice) in Slovakia. EMAP (European Media Art Platform) residency program 2023.
Kunsthalle in Kosice, Kosice,16.–20.10.2023. ART & tech Days in CIKE(Creative Industry Kosice) in Slovakia. EMAP (European Media Art Platform) residency program 2023.

